Wellness And Recovery with Maitri
Recovery Residences & Future Services
Wellness and Recovery with Maitrī Inc NFP (WARM) provides innovative care for individuals facing addiction and mental health challenges. We are dedicated to creating a safe and nurturing environment that supports our clients through their recovery journey. Our evidence-based services and extended care residential treatment empower clients to establish healthy relationships, integrate into their communities, and reach their full potential.
Our vision at WARM is to be a leader in transforming the lives of those affected by addiction and mental health issues. We strive to forge a future where sustainable recovery is accessible for all, enhancing the well-being of individuals and their communities through comprehensive, innovative care.
At WARM, we believe that everyone deserves a chance. Our goal is to be a catalyst for positive change in the lives of our clients and the broader community, demonstrating the transformative power of compassionate care and evidence-based treatments. We envision a future where individuals struggling with addiction and mental health issues have the tools, resources, and support they need to achieve long-term recovery and improved mental wellness, enhancing their quality of life and contributing to the betterment of their communities.
To achieve our vision, WARM is committed to continuous improvement, innovation, and collaboration with our clients, staff, partners, and the broader community. We will leverage our expertise, resources, and best practices to provide exceptional services and support that meet the unique needs of our clients and address the complex challenges facing our community.
Our Abstinence-based extended care facility is located at 710 Peoria St in Downtown Peru.
It has housing for females, housing for males, and counseling offices. We provide mental health counseling, substance use disorder treatment, and other outpatient services for both the residents of the building and the public.
Recovery Residences
Recovery Residences (Halfway House): The purpose of a recovery residence is to provide a safe and healthy living environment to initiate and sustain recovery—defined as abstinence from alcohol and other non-prescribed drug use and improvement in one’s physical, mental, spiritual, and social wellbeing. Individuals build resources while living in a recovery residence that will continue to support their recovery as they transition to living independently and productively in the community.
Wellness and Recovery with Maitrī Inc NFP, also known as WARM, is a 501c3 organization that was created in 2022. WARM, partnered with its passionate staff and board members, continues to want to be part of the solution to the nationwide addiction and mental health crisis in this community.
Research shows the longer a person stays engaged in treatment, the better chance they have of maintaining their recovery. WARM recently purchased a vacant medical building to transform the building into a multipurpose treatment facility. This building will be split into three areas, housing for females, housing for males, and counseling offices. Part of this building will be transformed into an abstinence-based extended care facility, picture this part of the building as a safe place for individuals who are on the same path to wellness and recovery to live among each other. Here they can use each other as a resource in their journey to a better life. Here the females and the males will have bedrooms in different parts of the building, with a shared kitchen/eating area and a shared outdoor recreation space. The third portion of the building will serve as space to provide mental health counseling, substance use disorder treatment, and other outpatient services for both the residents of the building and the public. Having these services available in the same building as the residents is paramount to their success. Residents will not have to find rides to and from their appointments, and they will have 24-hour access to a counselor in the event of an emergency.
Abstinence and total recovery from drug and alcohol addiction take time, effort, and bravery to win the battle. LaSalle County is in the top 7% of all Illinois counties pertaining to the overdose death rate. We are ranked 8th highest of the 102 counties in Illinois. The new residential extended care treatment center will provide one of the most powerful weapons in the arsenal of our community.
Once sober from all substances, clients will be able to live on-site for anywhere from 3 to 6 months while establishing employment in the community. Clients will receive individualized counseling and other supportive services to continue their success. It is WARM’s goal to help our community members build, or rebuild, healthy, supportive relationships in the community in which they plan to continue to live. We are proud to announce, in recognition of the severe need for a residential recovery center in our region, the Department of Justice and the Illinois Department of Housing Authority selected Maitrī, a grassroots organization, to provide that resource to our community.
We are excited to move forward with this project with grant funding being awarded to WARM by the Department of Justice and the Illinois Department of Housing Authority. We have been in contact with other service providers, the local police, and the appropriate licensing agencies. We are on track to be the first in the area to provide transitional housing for the people of LaSalle and bordering counties.
Kelly made the decision that she wanted to be part of the solution in May 2021. I am proud to take this opportunity to introduce you to Maitri Path to Wellness, a mental health counseling agency that opened its doors in late 2021. Maitri Path to Wellness currently provides individual counseling and Accelerated Resolution Therapy to assist individuals challenged with addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, grief, and life transitions. Maitri Path to Wellness provides services to clients who may be your friends, family, coworkers, or neighbors. Maitri Path to Wellness provides services to individuals without discrimination. Maitri accepts individuals of any gender, race, income level, or job title. Maitri even accepts both state (Medicaid/Medicare) and private insurance.
Not only has Kelly continued to pour her heart and soul into the success of others through opening the doors of Maitri, but her son, Brenden, has joined her full-time in her mission. Together, this mother and son duo has created a grassroots organization that strives to provide quality treatment to our local loved ones. In fact, all the staff at Maitri have a passion for providing quality care to everyone equally. This includes those with state-funded insurance plans who are often unable to access quality care.
Maitri has grown since its doors opened. In November 2021, we began the pain staking journey of becoming licensed and credentialed with private and state insurance companies, we were finally able to begin offering substance use disorder groups on February 20, 2023.
Risks & Challenges
With any business, there are risks and challenges. The first that comes to many people’s attention is profitability. It’s no secret that counseling is not a very profitable business, hence why there is a nationwide crisis due to a lack of services. However, once we get our doors open, we project that we will be able to make enough money to pay our bills, compensate staff at the industry standard wage or better, and provide services to individuals at no cost or a reduced cost. This is possible by billing insurance companies for our counseling services. Counseling clients should not have to pay outside of paying their co-pays and deductibles.
- Recovery Coaching
Wellness/Recovery Speaker Services
- DUI Evaluations

Why Are We Doing This?
Kelly Jones, the founder of Maitri Path to Wellness, obtained her master’s degree in 2017 as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor. Kelly identified a need for quality behavioral health care and made the decision to do something about it. Kelly’s main goal has always been to provide innovative, quality care to all individuals no matter their circumstances.
After years of working in the Illinois Department of Corrections providing mental health services, Kelly started at the LaSalle County Jail in 2019. It didn’t take long for Kelly to realize the lack of housing and resources in the local area offered to those who were trying to obtain/maintain their sobriety.
While at work, Kelly would link her clients struggling with substance use with their appropriate level of care:
inpatient treatment where clients would be housed 24/7 for up to 30 days; extended care treatment where clients would have a semi-structured residence; or outpatient services where clients would live in their homes and attend counseling as frequently as 3 to 4 times a week. Often, Kelly was tasked with making arrangements for her clients to uproot their lives in order to engage in the necessary treatment. Why?
Because more times than not, more than 65 miles stand between most LaSalle County residents and the door of any given inpatient treatment facility or halfway house. Not to mention, there are minimal resources to even receive outpatient substance use disorder counseling in the area.
Kelly saw the pattern firsthand: clients would find employment and a positive support system while at Rosecrance in Chicago, Gateway in Aurora, or Chestnut in Bloomington. Then, after establishing themselves outside of LaSalle County, they would return to their hometown to be with their family and friends. These clients would have to start over when they returned to their own community: no more jobs, no more housing, and no more sober support system. All these factors make long-term recovery difficult. Kelly decided to act.
Charitable Policy for Wellness And Recovery with Maitri, Inc. NFP Services
Wellness And Recovery with Maitri, Inc. NFP is a nonprofit organization that aims to provide financial assistance for professional treatment services to individuals who are unable to pay for such services and do not have insurance coverage. We also provide a residential space that offers abstinence-based extended care to individuals who are on the path to recovery.
Eligibility for our services is based on the financial evidence provided by the applicants showing their inability to pay for the services and lack of insurance coverage. The applicant’s income is compared to the Average Median Income (AMI) of the service area, and the amount of coverage provided by our organization is based on the percentage below AMI that the applicant falls under. There may be exceptions to the policy where we may provide full charitable donation or some predetermined length of residence while working with the client to improve their financial constraints.
The application process involves submitting the completed rental application form, intake and consents from the service provider/ managing agent, Maitri Path to Wellness, photo ID, proof of income/lack of income, previous tax return/proof of no tax return filed, rental history and references, criminal background check, credit check, drug test, and insurance card (if they have insurance). The intake process is managed by the on-site management team, who reviews all applications and notifies potential tenants who are eligible and offers them a lease agreement. The process is designed to ensure fair and consistent treatment of all potential clients and promote a safe and healthy living environment for all residents.
Our organization’s services are restricted to individuals who are drug and alcohol-free, with their “home” community within LaSalle county or its bordering counties. Applicants are required to comply with our rules and expectations, such as drug and alcohol use policies and maintaining a clean and safe living environment. Our organization has the right to terminate services with any client based on their lack of commitment to leading a better life or violating any other policies given to them before their first day with Wellness And Recovery with Maitri, Inc. NFP.
Our organization is restricted to 12 male and 12 female beds. The counseling offices are leased to Maitri Path to Wellness, PLLC, providing Wellness And Recovery with Maitri, Inc. NFP clients with an on-site option for professional counseling services, should they choose Maitri Path to Wellness, PLLC as their provider.
Wellness And Recovery with Maitri, Inc. NFP ensures that its services are provided in a fair and equitable manner by following the established policies and procedures. We take into consideration an applicant’s ability to comply with our rules and expectations, such as drug and alcohol use policies and maintaining a clean and safe living environment. We reject applicants who do not have a substance use disorder clinical diagnosis, pose a danger to other clients or staff, or require a higher level of care than what we can offer.
Applicants can apply in person, call or email us, and the application can be filled out virtually, in person, or by mail.
In summary, our charitable policy aims to provide financial assistance and residential space for individuals on the path to recovery who are unable to pay for such services and do not have insurance coverage. We follow strict policies and procedures to ensure that all clients are treated equally, and our services are provided in a fair and equitable manner.